Monday, April 28, 2008

Final Visit to CAFCA

This morning was our final visit to the Center for Advanced Fetal Medicine for our sonogram and fetal monitoring. It was almost surreal to walk out of there today knowing that we did not have to go back. For almost 4 months now we have been making weekly visits and in the last 6 weeks it has been multiple times per week. The doctors, nurses, and staff there have all been extremely wonderful. They of course want us to bring the baby down once he is out of the NICU. Everyone there has become quite aware of our scenario and is very interested to see how things turn out. While we are thankful that we do not have to go back, still we will miss them all in that office.

Only 3 more days until we begin the next chapter! We both are so ready, nervous, but excited and even a little frightened. We have learned a lot during this journey, but mostly we have learned just how strong our love can be. The next few months are certain to be an emotional roller coaster, but we shall move forward. Please know that you all are welcome anytime to come up and visit, call, email, or whatever. We will need your continued support to help guide us through this extremely confusing period. Everyone take care and we will talk to you very soon.

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