Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The last few weeks

We have not really had the time the last few weeks to update. It's amazing how fast everything is starting to move. We have been super busy finishing the nursery, taking birth classes, tours of the facilities and of course doctor visits.

A few weekends ago we took a few of the birthing classes the hospital offers. Infant care/CPR & of course Labor & Delivery Techniques. We learned quite a bit and Michael quickly found out there is a lot more to having this baby than pain, breathing and pushing. The whole process from begin to end was way off the expected. Amazing how TV & Movies distort reality :) We both feel excited and prepared now for this big event (and hope it doesn't last too long). We were also given a tour of the labor & delivery/nursery unit. The rooms are a little smaller than we expected, but adequate. Of course our "wiggle worm" will be heading straight to the NICU rather than the nursery so he can receive extra TLC from the nurses and doctors. The NICU is one level down from Labor & Delivery. We are extremely comfortable with everything at this hospital. The staff, nurses & doctors have been nothing short of amazing and have assured us that he will get the best care possible. This has really helped the extra anxiety that could have existed otherwise. They are extremely open to family & friends visiting, this will help as well.

This past weekend we got the crib put together and positioned in the nursery. We are now in the process of decorating and hanging shelves. As for the Doctor visits, we are going weekly now to both the OB and Neonatolgist once a week for monitoring. We had a ultrasound again this morning and he actually cooperated.....that is a first!! I think we caught him sleeping. They did some 3-D pictures particularly of the brain heart and limbs since these are the major areas of concern. We got to see a few good pictures of his face. At one point he smiled, Katharine says he has his daddy's smile. We did get to see some good shots of his arms and positioning of the hands. They are curled & turned in a little, but its hard to tell how much is from the missing bones and lack of space in the womb :), although Katharine has mentioned at times he seems like an octopus in there, but he looked adorable non the less!!

We have been playing him music through headphones the last several weeks. He really seems to enjoy that especially Earth, Wind, & Fire. Mommy says she can feel him just a dancing!! This is looking like the makings of one active little one....hurray!!

Again thank you all so very much for your continued support. We are fortunate to have such supportive and wonderful family & friends.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

31 weeks and counting

This is week 31 of the pregnancy. My how the time has flown by!! It seems as though we have reached a plateau with the doctors and baby, who is now affectionately referred to as wiggle worm by the doctors and nurses :) At this point it appears as though most of what we have been trying to identify through prenatal screening has reached the point where we are in a wait and see when the baby is born mode. We will be continuing the appts, but more to monitor rather than to probe. It will be much easier to evaluate "wiggle worm" once he is born and more conclusive findings will be made.

We met with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) doctors on Tues. They sat down with us and answered questions we had as well as explained how everything would transpire from delivery until it is time to go home. We got a tour of the NICU and were able to see some of the equipment and bedding that "wiggle worm" will be in after delivery.

Since there are so many specialist that will be and are involved with the baby the NICU team acts as the point to ensure he gets the tests and evaluations appropriately and also to be the ones that give us the information. This will keep what will become a very fast moving three ring circus some civility and consistent information and updates. Once the baby is born he will begin some of the test that are critical to ensure his life sustaining functions are fine. Once that is determined the next day or so will involve several different evaluations and screenings to determine how quickly any surgery or treatments will need to occur. The good news is we were told that family will be able to visit the baby in the hospital even while in the NICU. There are some limitations, but at least we know that it is OK, so get your plans ready :) At this point the only real major concern the doctors have is preterm labor. We have been instructed to come in and be evaluated at the first sign of any potential labor. The hope with this measure is to stabilize and prevent preterm delivery.

As for us, we are doing OK. We are taking care of each other and making sure that we do not forget ourselves during all this. We are both very tired as sleeping at night is becoming more difficult especially for poor Katharine who is experiencing the typical "uncomfortable" feelings. I wonder if that is natures way of preparing you for those late night/early morning feedings and changing ;) Thank you all again for your continued prayers, thoughts, cards, and phone calls. It really has helped a lot in getting through this difficult period. We hope everyone is well and hope to hear from you soon!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008